Be G.R.E.A.T.E.R.
“Today we are faced with a challenge that calls for a shift in our thinking, so that humanity stops threatening its life-support system. We are called to assist the Earth to heal her wounds and in the process heal our own - indeed to embrace the whole of creation in all its diversity, beauty and wonder. Recognizing that sustainable development, democracy and peace are indivisible is an idea whose time has come”
-Wangari Maathai

There is no denying it.
Shake the magic eight ball that is our planet’s health, and the only answer that might appear reads, “outlook not so good.” You can bury your head in the sand, or tell yourself that others are overreacting, but eventually, the reality will set in: our world is rapidly deteriorating. Climate change is spawning stronger storms, prolonging wildfire seasons, expanding deserts, and melting away freshwater reserves in the Arctic, Antarctic, and Himalayas. Worldwide, bodies of water are becoming increasingly acidic and polluted. The Earth’s species are disappearing at an alarming rate- comparable only to previous mass extinction events.
Meanwhile, the global human population continues to explode while consuming more resources per person. And yet, billions of people are inhibited from taking action as the disparity between the richest and poorest grows. The ensuing hardships have paved the way for nationalist movements that now challenge democratic institutions worldwide through fear mongering, hateful rhetoric, conspiracy, and misinformation.
The intense anxiety one might feel in response to these very real crises is absolutely justified. As are the hours of sleep lost while laying awake at night in fear of what the future holds for those we love and care about, particularly the next generation. But as legitimate as the fear, anger, sadness, and hopelessness might be, they are not constructive- and, speaking from personal experience, this too is a problem.
But what can I do as an individual to address a global problem that becomes more dangerous by the day? I could try turning a blind eye to it, but I know that such recklessness will only make things worse in the long run; ignorance is a blissful loan that humanity cannot afford to repay. But more importantly, when I ask myself if that is the person I want to be- when I think of the children of my friends and family, and the amazing variety of plants and animals in creation that make life on this planet such a miracle- my answer is a determined (or sometimes exasperated), “no.”
So I ask myself a new set of questions:
“What am I going to do about it?”
“What is stopping me from taking action?”
“How can I get others to act?”
“How can I cultivate hope for the future?”
In one form or another, these questions constantly run through my mind. I knew I wanted to incorporate the answers to these concerns into my passion for photography and this website. Without knowing where to start, I began writing down phrases that reflected the values I wanted to champion. Things like, educate myself and others; generate empathy and compassion; restore, protect and conserve the natural world for future generations; spread hope through ideas, solutions, and success stories; remind others to love, trust and have faith in each other; introduce questions that promote reason, reflection and thought; encourage myself and others to act; and empower those less fortunate so they, too, can be in the position to act.
As I reread these goals, certain words began to stand out, which I have emboldened above. Eventually, a new word began to form. I soon realized that I wanted to help myself and others to become GREATER. In other words, to become the better versions of ourselves who inspire action and create change for a brighter future. As an acronym, becoming G.R.E.A.T.E.R. may be outlined through the following principles:
Give time, give effort, and give resources
Giving generates the basis for action. As combating climate change is a monumental undertaking, it is important to give to various climate change driven conservation efforts. That could include donating money and other resources, or offering time and labor through volunteering. At minimum, it means giving credence to the urgency and value of making positive change. However, it is also important to recognize that giving time or money is a luxury that many struggle to afford. By supporting organizations, legislation, and programs that address socio-economic issues such as food insecurity, access to healthcare or education, homelessness, and systemic discrimination, more people can be empowered to act and give as well. Finally, allow yourself to experience the fulfillment of helping others, even if your actions do not receive recognition from anyone else.
Recycle, Reduce, Reuse, & Restore
Reuse Restore
Conserve what we have and renew what we’ve lost
We must prioritize conserving our natural world and its resources. Clean water and an abundant, healthy environment is not only something that many of us enjoy leisurely, but also makes life possible for all living things, including humans. Continually challenge your own conservation efforts by consuming less, wasting less, and recycling. Politely, share these practices with others and advocate environmentally conscious policies and business. Finally, support and give to initiatives that restore the habitats that we have lost or degraded.
Support and defend the education of yourself and others
Learn about the present and future impact of climate change and socio-economic issues. Seek to understand their causes and kindly share with others why these issues are important. Support accessible, public education that not only teaches science and logic, but also values compassion, the arts, and freedom of thought. Education reinforces empowerment as it provides future opportunities, encourages new ideas, and reduces one’s susceptibility to propaganda and misinformation. Study history so that past atrocities are remembered and not repeated. Time is running out, and we cannot afford to be stalled by war, fear, hatred, or selfish interests. A smart person values their own education; but a wise person values the education of others.
Take action, challenge yourself, and persevere through hardships
Thoughts, prayers, and positive vibes count for nothing without a willingness to act and adapt. Challenge yourself to make a difference, even if it means starting small. Modify your own habits. Pressure businesses and political figures to do the same. Give to those less fortunate so they too can act. When possible, encourage and praise others for their efforts. There will be times when you do not succeed, fall back to old habits, or need to tune out for your own wellbeing. That’s ok! It's ok to get scared, angry, or discouraged. But it's not ok to give up. When you’re ready, pick up where you left off and continue forward. Or start anew with a different idea, strategy, or attitude. There is not a clear cut path to becoming greater- but you do have to keep trying.
Trust in hope, trust in yourself, and trust in the good and betterment of others
The issues confronting our planet can feel overwhelming. And the action we take as individuals can feel small and thankless. But as more people recognize the dangers ahead, they too want to do something about it- especially younger people. The more of us who act, the greater our collective example and impact will be. Even small drops of rain flow together to form the vast oceans. Admittedly, cultivating trust and having faith in others is difficult and may require bravery or self control. But these characteristics have also enabled some of humanity's greatest achievements and moments of cooperation. Do not forsake the opportunity to dig deep, forgive, and help others. People change; sometimes for the worst, but also for the better. Encourage the better. See the potential for the best in people. Trust that we can do this. You can make a difference.
Consider and care for the wellbeing of all living things
One cannot effectively recognize or inspire others without considering their situation through the lens of compassion. Alienating and assigning blame creates division. Empathy and kindness cultivate unity. To effectively counter an issue as big as climate change, humans must act and think as a single species sharing one planet among many species. It is not just human life that is at stake, but all life. It is regrettably common to spurn or ignore those we do not understand- so make an effort to become acquainted with people from other walks of life, as well as the remarkable plants and animals that inhabit our world. For many species, populations are expected to dramatically decrease or go extinct within the next 100 years. Only our urgency will reduce the severity of our apathy. Lastly, don’t forget to care for yourself along the way! The wellbeing of everyone matters.
The most important journey is an honest one inward
Make time to think and listen to your mind, heart, and subconscious. Ask them questions. Contemplate the type of person you want to be, the world you want to create for future generations. Question what makes change difficult for yourself and others. Consider the variables to the “who, what, when, where, how, and why” of all of these questions and answers. Think back on your own actions and opinions and contemplate if they put you on the wisest path. Identify your insecurities, flaws, gifts, and motivations. Being critical and honest with yourself is a humbling, uncomfortable, and ongoing process. But it also allows us to adapt and grow. We become our greatest by recognizing our shortcomings, our strengths, and constructively thinking of ways to improve going forward. Do not be too hard on yourself. Nobody is perfect nor will ever be; but everyone can always become better. Have faith that steering towards a more conscious lifestyle will pay off in the long run.
For both better and worse, we are a globalized world. As such, global issues must be solved by a global community. We are in this together. However, this not only calls for international cooperation, but also action on a local, commercial, and personal level. Our success and fates are intertwined- as are our failures. It is therefore imperative that we urgently do all we can to preserve hope for the future. We owe it to our children and this remarkable planet we all call home.
We all must invest in becoming G.R.E.A.T.E.R.
Wishing you all goodwill, peace, and prosperity,